Tuesday, September 25, 2012

صور اسماك مرعبة لم تراها من قبل اكثر الاسماء المرعبة فى العالم

Fish terrifying images not seen by most horrible names in the world
I forget the angry birds , this is a fish angry . This seems the tropical fish as surely as if it were coming out of the wrong side of the bed where they reflected the scary look of the photographer . And now they are in spite of their appearance, but they are shy to some extent. Says photographer Malaysian Jalil Mohammed Razali , who works as a doctor officer that he had to wait for 15 minutes until the fish out of Mkhboha . He said Jalil , who is 28 years old he picked up this shot of the angry fish on the island of Kplaa .
Jalil says that dive at a depth of 15 meters and there was a nearly 5-6 fish jaw, which was hidden at the bottom area of sand . Despite their appearance , they shy creature and says that it took him 15 minutes to become accustomed to its presence . When Otmint fish in that pose no danger , the Galilee and crawls slowly approaching them to take the picture and they seem to have been somewhat angry when she saw the reflection on his camera .


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