Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Are you tired of life and people? Do you want happiness?

Are you tired of life and people? Do you want happiness? 

Understand your anger

The anger is the memory of the pain .
The anger is just proof that you did not finish the expression of pain when he appeared at the first time .
You are always responsible for the anger . , But the expression of anger is always a problem.
It is the nerve to express your anger without injure someone else . The best way to express anger is to show your wound .
In order to solve your anger , enables first wound . It is the nerve to recognize that you have wounded while trying to portray yourself as a human being invincible or above everyone else .
If your feelings are pushed away in order to protect yourself , you become less realistic , and less cohesive with your best . Even if you hide your pain and anger , the behavior remains revealing what your pain and anger . You become sensitive to pain and seem irritable with others . The feelings hidden speak indirectly .
The protection of vegetables other than the feelings of anger and your wound is just another way to turn them away from you . The longer protect him , will increasingly feel outsiders .
After a period will not feel pleasure in places where the fun lies , and when others are wondering why , not even Twatic ability to begin to answer them. And it would seem like an old story complex .
Those who Egerhonk then Amnonk for the expression of the wound that is causing more than destroy you .
Anyone can to limit the possibility that controlled anger you .
You need to edit the anger so you can love .
When enveloping love anger , it does not seem to love .
When anger enveloping love, it remains angry .
Pollack for pain in the correct time and place and will always be free to love .



The success is the satisfaction you feel about what you do.
You feel successful only when they are capable of yourself . But when rejected , you will not reproach the success of a thing
Where is your emotions , your success also lies . So, do your best while making you happy.
No one can ask you more and you will not settle for less.
The success of a secluded place , because real success is your control yourself . You jump to the top of your talents and look at the world through your eyes . No one can share your vision .
No compliment means a lot to you , but any criticism might affect you , because you success reveals less about the weakness you have .
You understand that in order to win the greatest success , you do not use force , but the appetite to be affected are achieved , because the real success makes you humble and realize that you are here in order to succeed should pass a failed experiment .

You succeed when they realize that the success of such a failure , always what lies behind the next door .
The only real failure is the fear of risk.

When feelings get lost

You can never give up your heart without losing yourself .
When you hide your feelings , you hide from your life.
The more pain stems from hiding the truth more than anything else . Should tolerate your feelings even flying with your life , because the difficulty in expressing your feelings become hard life that prevailed .
The pain often becomes deep anger directed at yourself .

The feelings of anger , which fears expressed Okavara become black bring you doom .
When you suppress feelings, easily confused with guilt and love, between commitment and preference.
The force you feel comes from the fact that reveal their feelings .
You need to be strong in order to feel safe enough to cry .
When you hold back your feelings , only increase the chances of your exposure to pain .
I feel pain and will open up your life again.


You are in this world in order to mature and become the best you can be.
You need freedom in order to mature , you have to become an emotional outlet , in order to stretch your wings and uniqueness , in order to succeed , in order to fail .
There are no rules to guide you toward it. Because you need to find your way Bsratk own , and to accept the facts that discovered it .
No need to take off the safety net for risk and locked , and you will discover that your world is cooked mistakes that can bear the responsibility .
If allowed to remain, your parents near you in a way exaggerated , you will remain a child forever. You can not reek in the presence of religion does not Asedkan you a good human being . You can not be mature when there is to protect you always .
The maturity is the liberation of the good things that you already have . You do it to let you , which does not fit you . The loss of a false illusion gain , but do not have to discover it yourself .
The maximum stages Ndjk is if you believe that you have something Tnha the world .
If not mature , everything becomes a repeat of the past .
You always grow when given love.
The self that you like is the person who is formed .
The failure to Aloatravbalhakikh always hinders Ndjk , and even children and idiots have Alguenoha lessons to others .

Not increased and age , but Ozdd sophisticated the better.
The prospect to grow is to remain small

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