Thursday, September 6, 2012

's Body was found wrapped in aluminum next to the trash

's Body was found wrapped in aluminum next to the trash

Big shock pervaded Street King Fahd Balstin field near the white horse in Jeddah where the body was found and insects Taatttaar them near the trash .
The mildew smell wafting from the body and it seems that she was run over and thrown by the wayside amid the absence of those responsible for the cover and transfer.
There have been reports that a man in his thirties to run over an incident in the city of Jeddah , has died the moment of the accident caused by speed .
The body was left lying on the ground for more than two hours waiting for the arrival of a car Secretariat for the transfer of the dead , while the astonished passers-by left lying across the road along with waste container , where the air still cover them up and become exposed to flies and insects

Chinese men are oppressed tribe of women do not know the word father

Chinese men are oppressed tribe of women do not know the word father
Men expressed their happiness and pride of life in this society, men do not bequeath and everyone carries the names of their mothers!

In the community of strange and unique .. One of the tribes of China , which is called by some the "kingdom of women " female-controlled at all can take office and central roles in the political leadership and legislation in faith and morals , and suffering men in this tribe of severe persecution , even if their language does not contain the word "father ." This tribe the " Musso " which is based on the shores of Lake " Logo " Chinese managed their affairs according to matriarchal social order , or what is known in sociology " Metraashi " a society that is governed by females. According to the newspaper " Emirates Today " Wednesday, April 25 / April 2012 .
The newspaper pointed out that women are the central roles in the political leadership and the sovereign , as well as legislation in the doctrine of moral , responsible for the property , which is separated from the issues of lineage and genetics . Making some people call it the name of "the kingdom of women."
The men they have a minor role and marginalized ; but it does not allow them to live in the homes of women , but they come to visit them only at night , even if their language does not contain the word " father ."
The population of the tribe, " Musso " between thirty and fifty thousand people , and the woman is the ruler and the sole owner of the family , and when death passed on all the property of the mother to her daughters only , and not for males of any share in the inheritance , either property or money , even if the men in case you want any of those women do not leave their homes of their mothers , but stay on there and back view for women to stay in their homes or move them when their mothers.
When having children , they live and carry the names of their mothers , not fathers the right to custody of any of them , whatever the circumstances , therefore there is no value or meaning of marriage when this tribe , and the man became a way to have no more children .
Interestingly, the concept of marriage is not recognized there, When is a man in love with a woman visited at night in her home in the kind of marriage called "marriage highway " ; , where women have the right to accept it or to expel him from her home , Valawataf and links have no place in a society deprived feelings of intimacy and affection in Rabat forensic between spouses in order not controlled by feelings goes back to the rule of man .
There is no community in this strange phenomenon of any kind of rape or prostitution or sexual harassment , women are determined by the relationship , which is also of the termination .
And expresses Men " Amooso " expressed their happiness and pride in their lives in this community , and assert that they handed over the leadership of women, for the excellence of physical , but also to estimate the authentic and profound characteristics of humanity, and forces of the spiritual , and capabilities of the creative , and the rhythm of her body is compatible with the rhythm of nature.
In addition to the wonders of her body , which appeared to the old man linked to the power of God , the spirit of transparency were better able to mediate between the human world and the world of the gods . So they respect the laws enacted by the community , and do not have any intention of rebellion or change the laws of the rule of the tribe. It is the same thing that you share the Chinese government ; expressed in terms of a lot of times for its unwillingness to intervene to change the laws of this society .

Be shy women to fall in love

Be shy women to fall in love

Shy Guy naturally thin easy gratification word or a simple gift or a nice compliment might satisfy his day, but the man 's bold always what is expected from sweetheart to make an additional effort in order to make him happy and satisfy and surprise from time to time

Are you a shy guy ? Are you looking for a suitable wife ? Do you think that prevents you from Khgelk link?
Although many women prefer to marry a man with a strict personal bold and confident of himself , but some of them are more likely to exit from the norm and prefer to link the man shy ..
If you are of those guys who Atzmon ashamed and degree of inwardness , know that you have many advantages that may draw the attention of women's right for you , and to know the motives for the choice of marriage .. Read this thread .
8 Reasons pay women for coupling a man shy :
1 - Challenge:
There is a kind of women do not like to walk on what society imposes traditions and rules obsolete , and want to meet new challenges , Phippgesn about the man as a " special case " or challenge , to have this man shy for women a kind of adventure bold force them to work hard in order to dive feelings and explore the passion and ambitions and ideas , because the man would have a traditional open book easy to predict.
2 - to fulfill :
Women believe that men shy and be more faithful to fulfill the sweetheart of the bold man , because he does not like lying , it does not hide some of the facts as he does the latter.
3 - Security:
You may prefer women Shy Guy , because they will not feel the competition , because in the case relate to a man bold it might make her feel insecure in cases where many of the women around him , making it threatened the feeling that he might leave at any moment for the benefit of another woman , but Shy Guy will be true to her she approached him and loved him and Tfhmth as it is, you will not need therefore for comparison between them and the others.
4 - have taken into account :
It is true that not every man is a bold pastures for his lover, but is certain that the man would be taking into account her shy and interested in the impact of his words on them, whether they are affectionate words or harsh words . He always put her feelings into account when any action towards it , and would consider as a result of this act .. Or you would be pleased Segerhaa ?
5 - to exclude the possibility of treason :
The man bold may pay confidence severe himself to betray his lover or think another woman , but that possibility is at least Shy Guy simply because it will not be closer than any woman , it certainly needs a woman distinctive read what is in his heart , and if he found would not think in the other after being found on the of understanding .
6 - not unique to move the progress of the discussions will not take decisions alone :
Women like men shy link that will be happy to know that it points Tsthoah to talk him around, and thus would be grateful to her, and will not review his information in front of her or embarrass change the path of speech abruptly . It also will not take decisions in isolation , but will discuss with her and ask her advice .
7 - the ability to listen to their concerns :
Shy Guy passionate nature , and therefore when his wife or sweetheart sad or angry at something , it definitely will listen to them and displays them advice and calms of anger or fear .
The man confident of himself - in the eyes of a lot of women - may claim to listen to them without any interest Ember in fact .
8 - its ability to easily make him happy :
Shy Guy naturally thin easy gratification word or a simple gift or a nice compliment might satisfy his day, but the man 's bold always what is expected from sweetheart to make an additional effort in order to make him happy and satisfy and surprise from time to time .
If you are a man not shy lose faith in yourself , and make sure that you will find true love , and your sweetheart will be very special and will be best suited for you because they chose you knowing the nature of your personality.

Foods to your husband for a special relationship

Foods to your husband for a special relationship

Preferred men often unhealthy foods adversely affect the relationship with intimate with his wife , where he plays food husband an important and essential to the success of intimacy , especially that the man is the commander of the relationship , here comes your turn madam in the introduction of healthy foods and useful for the pair in order to enjoy the best of an intimate relationship , Here are five foods to your husband for a special relationship ..
Eating bananas relaxes the nervesIt is necessary to get your husband to be calm and relaxed after a long day's work , studies have demonstrated that bananas natural calming the nerves as it goes Bamoanysiom , and helps take one pill of bananas to get an intimate relationship within a relaxed atmosphere .
Eating the fruits of the sea more than the desireSeafood contain a large amount of zinc metal , which is important for an intimate relationship , it increases the desire for your husband , and you only need to Preparing delicious fruits of the sea to your spouse when you set up a romantic dinner for him.
Eating nuts grant activityOmega- 3 a species unsaturated fat , which is the secret ingredient of coconut , which increases the activity of your spouse significantly , you can increase the chopped nuts on your salad dishes your husband or even add it to the rice dishes .
Honey increases energyA teaspoon of honey in the early morning enough to change your life intimate with your husband for the better , as it contains honey on vehicles and foodstuffs give your husband a shipment of energy characteristics.
Eating cinnamon stimulates circulationTypes of cinnamon spice known in the Arab world , and the benefits it strengthens the immune system and stimulate blood circulation and thus improve your relationship with your spouse, intimate , nationalist prepare cinnamon syrup to boil your spouse through Aidanha thoroughly with water for 10 minutes .

The reasons why Iran is the only country that prohibits wearing kraft

The reasons why Iran is the only country that prohibits wearing kraft

Prevented the organs of internal security forces in Iran selling neckties in clothing stores,

  After he was banned by the strongly after the victory of the Islamic revolution of 1979

According to the site «era Iran» news, this ban Malbut that luster faded over time, and officials are considering political and religious Iranian religious hard-liners, to tie it to symbolize the cross.

So to shut down the security agencies concerned with the phenomenon of Finery, Eat eight to participate in the Food Fair food at the permanent headquarters of the Tehran International Fair, due to flaunt revisions to these lounges and supervisors employed by

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Basma Bussell wife Tamer Hosni Art retire because of Tamer Hosni

Basma Bussell wife Tamer Hosni Art retire because of Tamer Hosni

Moroccan artist decided to Star Academy Basma Bussell to retire permanently and art full-time for family life, and it happened immediately after the announcement of her marriage to Egyptian singer Tamer Hosni, which seems to be his decision to retire this was on the order of her husband

I have completed Tamer Hosni papers and travel permits in order to perform Hajj with his wife, where he wished to celebrate his marriage in a special way, a visit to the holy land.