Chinese men are oppressed tribe of women do not know the word father
Men expressed their happiness and pride of life in this society, men do not bequeath and everyone carries the names of their mothers!
In the community of strange and unique .. One
of the tribes of China , which is called by some the "kingdom of women "
female-controlled at all can take office and central roles in the
political leadership and legislation in faith and morals , and suffering
men in this tribe of severe persecution , even if their language does
not contain the word "father ." This
tribe the " Musso " which is based on the shores of Lake " Logo "
Chinese managed their affairs according to matriarchal social order , or
what is known in sociology " Metraashi " a society that is governed by
females. According to the newspaper " Emirates Today " Wednesday, April 25 / April 2012 .
newspaper pointed out that women are the central roles in the political
leadership and the sovereign , as well as legislation in the doctrine
of moral , responsible for the property , which is separated from the
issues of lineage and genetics . Making some people call it the name of "the kingdom of women."
The men they have a minor role and marginalized ; but it does not
allow them to live in the homes of women , but they come to visit them
only at night , even if their language does not contain the word "
father ."
population of the tribe, " Musso " between thirty and fifty thousand
people , and the woman is the ruler and the sole owner of the family ,
and when death passed on all the property of the mother to her daughters
only , and not for males of any share in the inheritance , either
property or money , even if the men in case you want any of those women do not leave their homes of their mothers , but
stay on there and back view for women to stay in their homes or move
them when their mothers.
When having children , they live and carry the names of their mothers ,
not fathers the right to custody of any of them , whatever the
circumstances , therefore there is no value or meaning of marriage when
this tribe , and the man became a way to have no more children .
the concept of marriage is not recognized there, When is a man in love
with a woman visited at night in her home in the kind of marriage called
"marriage highway " ; , where women have the right to accept it or to
expel him from her home , Valawataf and links have no place in a society deprived feelings of intimacy and affection in Rabat
forensic between spouses in order not controlled by feelings goes back
to the rule of man .
There is no community in this strange phenomenon of any kind of rape
or prostitution or sexual harassment , women are determined by the
relationship , which is also of the termination .
And expresses Men " Amooso " expressed their happiness and pride in
their lives in this community , and assert that they handed over the
leadership of women, for the excellence of physical , but also to
estimate the authentic and profound characteristics of humanity, and
forces of the spiritual , and capabilities of the creative , and the
rhythm of her body is compatible with the rhythm of nature.
addition to the wonders of her body , which appeared to the old man
linked to the power of God , the spirit of transparency were better able
to mediate between the human world and the world of the gods . So
they respect the laws enacted by the community , and do not have any
intention of rebellion or change the laws of the rule of the tribe. It
is the same thing that you share the Chinese government ; expressed in
terms of a lot of times for its unwillingness to intervene to change the
laws of this society .