Thursday, September 6, 2012

Foods to your husband for a special relationship

Foods to your husband for a special relationship

Preferred men often unhealthy foods adversely affect the relationship with intimate with his wife , where he plays food husband an important and essential to the success of intimacy , especially that the man is the commander of the relationship , here comes your turn madam in the introduction of healthy foods and useful for the pair in order to enjoy the best of an intimate relationship , Here are five foods to your husband for a special relationship ..
Eating bananas relaxes the nervesIt is necessary to get your husband to be calm and relaxed after a long day's work , studies have demonstrated that bananas natural calming the nerves as it goes Bamoanysiom , and helps take one pill of bananas to get an intimate relationship within a relaxed atmosphere .
Eating the fruits of the sea more than the desireSeafood contain a large amount of zinc metal , which is important for an intimate relationship , it increases the desire for your husband , and you only need to Preparing delicious fruits of the sea to your spouse when you set up a romantic dinner for him.
Eating nuts grant activityOmega- 3 a species unsaturated fat , which is the secret ingredient of coconut , which increases the activity of your spouse significantly , you can increase the chopped nuts on your salad dishes your husband or even add it to the rice dishes .
Honey increases energyA teaspoon of honey in the early morning enough to change your life intimate with your husband for the better , as it contains honey on vehicles and foodstuffs give your husband a shipment of energy characteristics.
Eating cinnamon stimulates circulationTypes of cinnamon spice known in the Arab world , and the benefits it strengthens the immune system and stimulate blood circulation and thus improve your relationship with your spouse, intimate , nationalist prepare cinnamon syrup to boil your spouse through Aidanha thoroughly with water for 10 minutes .

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