Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photos man who slit the mountain using a hammer and ax

Photos man who slit the mountain using a hammer and ax

Indian Dasrat Managhi in the picture he spent 20 years working with the assistance of a very primitive tools of hammer and ax and shovel even managed to crack this mountain village, which was screened for the neighboring villages

Managhi said in an interview with an Indian newspaper that the government has rejected all calls for villagers to build a road from the belly of the mountain so that students from going to school and parents to markets and neighboring villages invitations but did not state the convergence of response from the government

Before this road was slit residents, especially children, walking 10 kilometers to get around the hill and they were forced to conduct

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The real age of the artists will not believe what will know the truth about their age

The real age of the artists will not believe what will know the truth about their age

Has revealed the true age of the artists ,Note that there are the stars refuse to recognize that they are over age forty and prefer to live in illusionThirty .Contrary to what is common among women , especially actresses , revealed a number of stars of all agesTrue , while still others refuse to disclose it as a secret« Of war » .Has revealed the true age of the artists , note that there are starlets refuseRecognition that they are over age forty and prefer to live in the illusion of thirty.ForExample, continues to Ghada Abdel Razek insists it at the beginning of the forty Although her ​​daughterRotana reach century. I swore as she was born in 1970 , noted that her passportIt reveals the true , born in 1965 , which means it is 47 years.TheHaifa Wehbe refuses to disclose her age , especially to have a daughter married months ago , and frequentedShe gave birth . But Haifa is still claiming to be a 35 -year-old . However, there is an official documentSpread across forums confirms that Lebanese singer exceeded forty . DocumentEmerged in spite of Haifa , showing date of birth in 1972 , but was soon withdrawn documentForum after the objection of Haifa fans .Also, Cyrine Abdel Nour born1977 , which means that they reach 35 years of age. But it confirmed that it reconciled with itself and do not be shyDetection of life.Well, Nancy Ajram revealed about her since the beginning of entering the arenaTechnical Day was no more than twenty , to become the 29 -year-old now , as it is born1983.Tkprha three years and Sherine Abdel Wahab , which entered the artistic field beforeExceed twenty . It was a 32 -year-old (born in 1980) .The Hind Sabri was not ableHide her real age , especially since it was uncovered by coming to Egypt , which is 32Years.Also, Hanan Turk exceeded thirty , having entered the acting since he was16-year -old . Here are today become in the 37 -year-old , as she was born in 1975.Also, an anchorwoman Reem Majid Introduction Program " Masri our country ," 37 -year-old .There are a number of artists over age thirty and forty entered Kongam which confirmed thatThe audience knows that they are singing since childhood , it is not right to lie to him and tell him it is a 30Years. As Najwa Karam has revealed to her fans about her real age during the celebrationHer birthday , and confirmed that she was born 26/02/1966 , and directed a message saying with pride" I and the time owners


the oldest woman in the world is celebrating her birthday No. 130

In pictures: the oldest woman in the world is celebrating her birthday No. 130

Intesa Kviheva now considered the oldest woman in the world as it is at the age of 130 years old and was born on the day of birth 07/08/1880 and now lives in the state of Georgia in the United States since the days celebrated over 130 years of existence in life, they enjoy good health Intesa somewhat . We leave you with images

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Photos first marriage in the world with a lack of gravity

Photos first marriage in the world with a lack of gravity

The couple decided from New York City, and two of the amateur science fiction groom Noah Fulmore and Bride Erin Finnegan in the administration of their marriage in zero gravity so that cost them the marriage ceremony about twenty thousand dollars and has the marriage ceremony, which lasted 90 minutes in a Boeing 727 modified by the maneuvers special to simulate pattern of weightlessness in space, just as the funny thing is that the couple exchanged rings by pieces of a meteorite landed in Namibia by 30 thousand years.

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Photos largest tree in the world and her story

Photos largest tree in the world and her story

Photos largest tree in the world and her story

In my childhood I thought that Palm trees are the tallest land, long I stood staring with admiration Bakamtha Fara graceful , but when I read about some of the oak trees and Alsquia longer than the hundred meter Nkhaltna I realized that the poor are only a small dwarf compared with those Giants Giants who are older than some of them thousands of years and who think those who see them as part of the enchanted forest in the fantasy world has nothing to do with reality .Some trees have become tunnels and other houses and bars !

In 1852 it was (August Dodd ) chasing Dibba bruised in the Sierra Nevada in California when he stopped suddenly in front of the tree has not been seen I have ever seen in his life , was a towering height and huge exceeded seven meters in diameter , it was wonderful to the point that in August and spent the forgotten stalking several hours and is Looking at her , and in the evening when he returned to the camp, which was inhabited told several people about the giant tree , which he saw Vschroa him and did not believe him , but a number of them went with him the next day to the forest to see the tree alleged swear August Bogz faith as real , and when they arrived at the place of destination signs seemed surprised and stunned and clearly visible on the faces of the men who have been staring at the trunk of the tree and the enormity of the giant trees surrounding the other . Since then known Forest Alsquia giant and has become one of the most attractive areas for tourists in the state of California , of course, August Dodd was not detected the first of the forest Indians Reds knew hundreds of years ago as if one of the discoverers Europeans went through in 1833 , but in August was the first person who makes people know the existence of such a forest giant has named the first tree he saw in August as " tree discovery " , but unfortunately the five people in 1853 to cut the giant tree in an operation that lasted for 22 days and have been found after counting the inner rings of the trunk that she has a 1244 year , and still lower section of the tree in the forest exists today and is sometimes used as a platform for weddings .

Tree Alsquia giant (Giant Sequoia) , also called a tree redwood and tree is unique within the family of conifers , was once widespread in most parts of the northern half of the globe today is hardly their existence is confined to several gardens and parks in the U.S. state of California .
Alsquia tree is the largest ever in terms of the size of all the creatures on the earth's surface as an average elevation of between 50-85 meters in diameter and the rate of between 6-8 meters , the largest sequoia tree officially registered stands at a height of 94.8 meters and a diameter of more than 14 meters while the longer tree Sequoia overrides the height of 114 meters and a diameter of more than 9 meters . Alsquia and is also considered of old trees and there Sequoia tree , scientists say that she exceeded the 3200 year and is still alive .
Alsquia form of a tree -like pine trees generally normal , but Alsquia huge trees and perennials lose their lower branches with the passage of time due to lack of access to sunlight , and the papers Alsquia needle -like shape of the scales shall be thick bark may exceed 30 centimeters thick .
Fruits Alsquia be cone-shaped and contains all the fruit or cone on more than 200 seed and produces a tree Alsquia amounting to about 11000 cone in a year and can seeds survive inside the cone for twenty years but it is difficult to turn the seed into a tree and if this happens it is rare small shrub to continue in life for more than one season due to non-arrival of an adequate amount of sunlight to the forest floor as a result of the length of the crucially giant trees surrounding it.

Trees are Alsquia of more trees resilient to external factors as Unrecorded previously to die one because of disease or insects as the wood of the type resistant to corrosion , but it , good luck , it is not desirable quality of the timber because of its fragility and the large number of fibers within it , and this seems to be the reason is that trees Alsquia saved from extinction at the hands of loggers .
Alsquia grow in temperate climates , but can afford to lower the temperature even (35 -) ° C, and has succeeded in planting some seeds in Britain , Europe and Australia , and there are currently Sequoia tree in Scotland aged 150 years and a height of 54 meters .
Today is a protected trees Alsquia in California one of the most attractive areas for visitors and tourists in the state and exist within the protected some trees strange indeed that was drilled corridors inside enough to pass a car and there are other trees have been building houses or bars inside and strange that they remained alive , however, ! .
Note about trees :- Tallest tree in the world is a kind of Alsquia and a height of 115.56 meters .- Thicker tree trunk in the world of type Albiobab African and a diameter of 15 meters .- The largest tree in the world of type Alsquia giant is estimated at 1487 cubic meters .- The oldest tree in the world is still alive and Alpinius type of aged 4844 years .

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صور اسماك مرعبة لم تراها من قبل اكثر الاسماء المرعبة فى العالم

Fish terrifying images not seen by most horrible names in the world
I forget the angry birds , this is a fish angry . This seems the tropical fish as surely as if it were coming out of the wrong side of the bed where they reflected the scary look of the photographer . And now they are in spite of their appearance, but they are shy to some extent. Says photographer Malaysian Jalil Mohammed Razali , who works as a doctor officer that he had to wait for 15 minutes until the fish out of Mkhboha . He said Jalil , who is 28 years old he picked up this shot of the angry fish on the island of Kplaa .
Jalil says that dive at a depth of 15 meters and there was a nearly 5-6 fish jaw, which was hidden at the bottom area of sand . Despite their appearance , they shy creature and says that it took him 15 minutes to become accustomed to its presence . When Otmint fish in that pose no danger , the Galilee and crawls slowly approaching them to take the picture and they seem to have been somewhat angry when she saw the reflection on his camera .


Photos Ghada Abdel Razek's horrible that no one sees

Photos Ghada Abdel Razek's horrible that no one sees

After it has been associated with the name of Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek form beautiful and flattering, Ghada overlooked in the Declaration on the Ramadan series "One Thousand and One Nights" is a different fit to be part of a horror movie make-up because of the harsh, hair pitchy.


Wedding pictures artist Sameh Hussein, which has not been published

Wedding pictures artist Sameh Hussein, which has not been published

Despite the secrecy imposed by the star Sameh Hussein at his wedding and prevent the entry of the cameras to the wedding that the images that the pictures wedding was leaked and was surprised Sameh Hussein so because he considers his life the personal property of his is the only serving Sameh Hussein, now the honeymoon period in Malaysia and Arosa outside of the artistic and not invite any of the journalists or photographers satellite in the wedding because Sameh Hussein always preferred to be a family celebration of what distinguishes these concerts more privacy about his personal life See the photos

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Woman discovers that her husband is her father after his death

Woman discovers that her husband is her father after his death

I discovered one of the ladies , Ohio that her dead husband is the same as her father's , which I consider a big secret in the family , that Sarhaa uncle this mystery , six years after the death of his brother / her husband in 1998 . Resulted knowing this secret family to severe effects on psychological and physical health of the woman called , Valara Spreual , noting medical history to her strokes survived them miraculously addition to her diabetes . said Valara Spreual aged 60 years , in a phone call with CNN " this is terrible , and knowing this information leads to the destruction of a person . " where is still suffering from the repercussions of this issue since it was informed by her uncle on this mystery in 2004 .
She Spreual " not aware of my whether my father / my husband knows this fact , and I think that although it knows you do not tell me out . " And noted , " There was a lady visit us when I was little in the two years of the eighth or ninth , where I was told it is family-friendly , to find out afterwards that they are my mom and she was working as a prostitute before she died . "
Spiroal and threw light on the normal life with her husband / father , where she said , " We used to live a good life , and we settled after our marriage in the Akron area . " According to the American news network .
Spreual showed they had suffered a lot , especially when she wanted to tell her children, three from her previous marriage and Massaranhm truth , where met with a good response and support has helped a lot to begin to accept the bitter truth .

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More hair problems prevalent around the world

More hair problems prevalent around the world

Your hair is about glamor and beauty and confidence in yourself , so do not allow your hair , whatever the problems faced by that be a reason for withholding such fine qualities that many women seeking various ways to get them. Do not leave your hair the day after - whatever its flaws - to spoil ŘáĘß , and dress hard to solve the problems of your hair rather than surrender them.
Here's a set of problems that you come out of the mouthpiece Many of the ladies with the perfect solution to deliver her to get rid of them for good :
1 - Hair Loss profusely :
Hair Loss of the first problems faced by women , something that calls to sound the alarm , so do not fear Tstheny this problem worse.
It is the first steps to be followed to deal with this problem, combing hair carefully , taking into account attendance to follow the use of natural oils at least once a week.
It should be a good selection of types of mild shampoo to hair is washed out once or twice a week , along with the use of moisturizers .
He also advises a lot of hairdressers to follow recipes , especially natural henna mixed with a little mixture of green tea and any liquid nutrients from natural oils for hair, and other numerous natural recipes that work to feed the hair away from the harmful chemical .
2 - the rapid growth of hair by surprise :
Of the problems that plague many women off guard hair growth is not in line with the fast rate Trddhen to beauty salons , something that calls Qsn to surprise their hair themselves.
Although a lot of beauty salons surprise you cut hair for their clients free of courtesy , but it was still a lot of women it difficult for them frequenting beauty salons frequently , and do not have to worry where you can accomplish this task easily at home.
All you have to do is dry your hair with a little gel lard if needed, with the guard hair to split parts with the installation of the upper parts of the back , then Seek the help of a comb and comb Thbty in parallel blades eyebrow and begin the storytelling.
Repeat the process with the rest of the layers Grtk taking into account to avoid exposure to air during the hair cut in order to prevent the occurrence of any error .
3 - insects Hair :
Has exposed some of the girls in the teen to the problem of insects because of mixing hair and get rid of this problem completely and naturally , mix a little bit of lemon juice with garlic paste and then grease the hair completely with him for a period of leave on the hair by washing it with shampoo well . As well as possible and follow the other attributes such as mixing vinegar with a bit of egg white and lemon juice.
4 - dyed hair :
Hair dye became quick solutions used by a lot of women and girls to change from a Talthen is modern , but they in turn suffer from hair damage due to the impact of heavy chemicals they contain dye .
To get rid of this problem has to be minimized times hair dye treated with refreshments and natural oils down.
5 - fade hair :
But if you Taatoukan to restore luster to your hair There is nothing better than to return to nature by following the natural recipes .
It is better these recipes blending natural egg whites with a pinch of Yogurt and honey and oil Zetc , preferably follow this recipe from time to time to maintain the luster hair permanently and continuously.
6 - chronic crust :
The crust of the problems faced by many women as well , despite the ease of treatment where you can use anti-dandruff shampoos or natural recipes such as lemon juice and leave it on the hair of 15-20 minutes before washing hair shampooed well

You know the make-up of the appropriate color of your skin

You know the make-up of the appropriate color of your skin


You know the make-up of the appropriate color of your skin

White skin : 1 Alfondtan " cream Inception" is a darker one degree of skin color
2 powder be open degree of incorporation
3 Ashdown "shadow" : Degrees of Fatiha ( blue, green, violet )
4 Maskrey : dark brown
5 eyebrows : Shido uses her slightly darker hair color
6 Albuleshr " red cheeks " : orange , red or pink their grades
7 contour " specified" , and Roger : What fits Achtertah to blush and be quiet colors .

White orange :
Color tends to be more of it to the red , yellow, and often accompanied by red or blond hair .
1 Alfondtan : italic means to orange or peach .
2 Ashdown : The light color with dark brown .
Maskrey 3 : Black and Blue
4 of eyebrows : Color Albornza or oblique to the Red
5 Albuleshr Lips and orange ripples Most yellowing of the Red

Golden skin ( pale yellow ) :
Infested with yellow color + mixed colors
1 Alfondtan : beige color
Powder 2 : Open the degree of incorporation of color and Mtamojat peach .
Ashdown : Put the colors suit your eyes , preferably light such as green and blue colors and do not put your Alguetma g
4 of eyebrows : If we use light eyebrows darker than the same color .
5 Albuleshr lips : red, orange to red italics .

Dark-skinned :
1 Alfondtan " cream Inception" : Open one or two degrees of skin color.
2 Stay away from the brown powder
3 Ashdown : brown or green or blue
4 Use any of the Inner Eye shades fit
5 of eyebrows : Use brown or gray and avoid the black color .
6 Albuleshr " cheeks " , and lips : red, yellow or oblique to brown .

Copper skin structure :
1 Choose the establishment of " Vondtan " fits your skin .
Powder 2 : Open the few color foundation .
3 of eyebrows : be appropriate for your hair color .
4 all colors " Ashdown " suit .
5 lipstick and Albuleshr : original red or orange .

Olive skin :
Usually be accompanied by a black hair and black eyes
1 of foundation and powder : from the same skin color
2 of eyebrows : dark brown
3 eye shadows : light colors less dense .
4 Avoid determine eye black.
5 cheeks and lips : ripples peach color
