Monday, January 2, 2012

Foods help to fitness and beauty for women

Foods help to fitness and beauty for women

Nothing troubles you trim and beauty like a chubby belly or waist broadband , we all want Batna Damra _khasra and thin , and these two qualities that needed for the effort you and to re-read your diet and , of course, compatibility with your and your movement .

Eat a full species pill whole-wheat , brown bread and others as they help you to get rid of fat in the abdominal area because they contain a high proportion of fiber . Eased of carbohydrates so you do not make up more than 50% of your food.

If Cuba dealt with much of the water before eating , it will help you feel more satiety , and thus the amount of food that will be far less than Sttnaulinha help reduce the proportion of fat accumulated around the abdomen .

Research has shown that eating lycopene , beta carotene and Ritinoad helps in getting a smaller waist and reduces the accumulation of fat under the skin in the abdominal area . The tomatoes are more foods that contain all of these antioxidants .

The canned foods contain the same number of calories from those foods , but this kind of food contains a large percentage of salt.

And a high proportion of salt can increase the accumulation of water in the abdominal area .

Foods that increase obesity this region bananas and eggs. Try not to Taatnola bananas and eggs in large quantities.

Carbonated water contains a great deal of calories and which do not have any benefits for the body. Therefore you should avoid soda and replace it with a final water

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